Conferences and Workshops
- International Conference on Sustainability Education (ICSE 2019)
The International Conference on Sustainability Education (ICSE) was a one-of-a-kind conference organized jointly by Mobius Foundation, Climate Reality Project, India, and UNESCO, New Delhi on 9-10 September 2019.
SEED was a valuable partner for this event and sent a strong delegation that participated and contributed to the success of this conference. Important sessions related to school education and youth engagement were conducted with guidance from our team members.
The conference aimed to bridge the gap between global trends in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and regional (South-Asian) growth in sustainability education, by bringing together educators, practitioners, students, and policymakers from around the world. It also enabled the development of new partnerships between schools, NGOs, UN agencies, and global, regional, and national networks.
Crucial discussions on Environmental Education (EE), and Climate Change Education (CCE) were held with the objective of laying down a framework for a comprehensive sustainability education program in South Asia.
- International Synthesis Workshop on Air Pollution 2019
Climate stressors like environmental degradation, urban pollution, unsustainable land management are inextricably tied to agriculture and public health. It has, thus, become imperative to address modern issues of health and food security with a multi-pronged approach. With the objective of promoting research and discourse on this pressing issue, SEED India, in partnership with the Centre for International Climate Research (CICERO) and Clean Air Asia, organized an international workshop on ‘Effects of air pollution and climate extremes on agriculture and health in South Asia — Integrating Climate Action with Air Action in Indian Cities’, on 21st and 22nd November 2019 in New Delhi. The workshop brought together experts from research, different levels of policy, private actors, regional adaptation and resilience actors, and media—relevant stakeholders who are actively involved in improving the state of health and agriculture and can positively influence decision-making in these sectors. The deliberations of the workshop broadly focused on our current knowledge on combined and individual effects of air pollution and climate extremes on agriculture and health. The objective was to raise awareness of the urgency of these issues in society and policy and to explore the solution space/potentials to deal with these combined issues. A brief report synthesizing key scientific findings and workshop results, to support policy action and communication was co-produced as an outcome of the workshop. The report can be accessed here: